
ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Workspace

The ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Workspace (AC Workspace) is the electronic, web-based communication space and working area for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee (AC). Its aim is to provide a central platform for online collaboration and to support the work and the communication of the Advisory Committee between meetings.


The online workspace was initially developed for the AEWA Technical Committee in 2008 by Johannes Schramm and Florian Keil (UNEP/AEWA). It has since been improved and adopted as a collaboration tool for various bodies of the CMS Family. The revised version was implemented in 2012 and is used by the scientific bodies of CMS and three Agreements under the Convention, namely AEWA, ASCOBANS and EUROBATS.


UNEP / ASCOBANS Secretariat
UN Campus
Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10
53113 Bonn, Germany

Tel. (+49 228) 815 2416
Fax (+49 228) 815 2440